I have to be honest. I almost missed writing this post today. I’m tired. I’m low on energy. I’m wishing for the sunshine to come back and stay for days. I don’t do well with endless clouds and rain. But I saw a glimpse of the sun this afternoon. I didn’t miss it. A small sign of hope. There is more coming.

This week’s word is miss. It has left me thinking about things I miss. So today I offer a list (in no particular order):

I miss my first wheelchair. They called it a jaguar and I loved it. I kept it running for 13 years. That jaguar was my first “car” and I think it will always be my favorite. Nowadays, wheelchairs have letters and numbers for names. That’s just not very cool.

I miss the days when I didn’t have to worry about energy levels, diet restrictions, and all the questions that come with a thyroid not working properly. I wish I could erase these limitations.

I miss the years of my youth when hormones were not on my radar. Yes, I have to deal with that every month, too. Enough said, right?


As I mentioned on Tuesday, I can’t erase my limits. Some might disappear in time. I can hope so. Mostly, I have to focus on today. Right here. Right now. This moment.

What can I still do with the limits that aren’t going anywhere?

Fight for the larger perspective. Find the lessons right in the middle of the limits.

If I don’t face and embrace my limits, I would miss an important lesson:

Let go of expectations and what used to be. Things change, including limitations.


This started as a Five Minute Friday post, but I was reminded of another lesson I’ve learned as I fight for energy some days…

If I can just begin, then I can find the momentum to keep going.

What is something you miss? How do you persevere through your own limits?

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