I started to define normal for you the other day. But I didn’t mention that our normals can change. A lot. Just think about life. Normal changes with every single life stage…from childhood to adulthood. And how we define normal can continue to evolve.

Wherever we are, whatever stage, we can always unite.

We can find common interests, passions, and similar limitations.

How you work through yours just might help me see a new perspective. And vice versa.

Today I thought my dad and I were taking the normal route to the mall. We parked in our “normal” spot. I don’t go very often, but we have found a favorite “Handicapped Parking” place. It’s right next to the elevator. I’ve never run into an obstacle or been concerned about this elevator not working.

The sign was on the door: “Temporarily Out of Order.”

“Oh no, should we move the van to another level or walk all the way to the end?”

The parking garage was very empty so we decided to walk to the end and see if the next elevator was available.

I drove my wheelchair down the middle of the road. Because I sometimes like to pretend like I’m driving a real car.

Along the way, I commented that we should take pictures of the signs, such as “Exit” and “Do Not Enter.” They looked cool and somehow they may come in handy for a blog post. Like today’s.

We took our time getting to the elevator. Our original purpose for going to the mall had become a mini adventure.

My dad and I were on a mission. We were united in the idea that this small obstacle was actually fun.

A normal day turned into something a little grander. It was unexpected and not normal, but we made it a bit exciting. I accepted the challenge, the change, the chance to take a different route.

This happens with life too. For some reason our normal changes and we are faced with a new normal.

What do we do?

See the opportunity for embracing the next new normal. It might lead you to new things that are really good and things you never imagined for yourself.


This Five Minute Friday post was inspired by the word “unite.”

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