The Story Behind the Limitless Manifesto

A few months ago I intentionally made no plans for a long weekend. I wanted the calendar open and free that weekend because I needed to write. I saw an opportunity…the bonus of a whole extra day…the gift we gain during leap year. I wasn’t going to miss this chance to brainstorm. I put away the computer and pulled out notebooks, highlighters, sticky notes, drafts in progress, and coffee. Something about pen on paper wakes up my brain. I was ready.

I looked through lots of blog posts, ones I’ve published and ones I’m still working on. I started writing sentence after sentence, all these words that popped out as I flipped the pages and highlighted what felt important to me. I recopied these words because they were connected. I saw the theme of my new blog in these words I had already written…there were stories of describing my disability for readers and stories of me not letting my limitations stop me from enjoying any adventure or chasing any dream.

Then I came across a piece I wrote in response to a question from Nicole Unice, author of Brave Enough. She challenged others to answer this — Has God taught you about your limits? I was in the middle of my own journey to face my limits in a new way. The years since college have taught me so much about living with the physical challenges of Arthrogryposis and how I can move beyond these limits.

I found these words:

I am not my limitations. I am not my weaknesses and my identity does not rest in what I can or cannot do. I am so much more.

And I knew, that is not just the theme of my blog. That, my friends, is the story of my life. It’s the way I live, what I’ve always seen, done, and known about myself on the inside.

I wrote a portion of those words on a new piece of paper and more words came forth. I couldn’t write fast enough. A poem was forming right in front of my eyes. I continued on the back until the flow of words ended. I looked, I reread, and I saw these words that needed to be shared somewhere.

I had “The Limitless Manifesto” sitting before me.

Now I am honored and excited to give you a copy. I hope these words will inspire you. Take them to heart, friends.

May you fight your way through your own journey and see that you are not your limitations. You are so much more.

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